Use this pro designed template to give your website a cool look and advanced functionality. Thanks to its responsive layout this theme allows you to reach more visitors in no time as your website...
出售s: 208
Support: 4.2/5
Do you need to build a medical website fast and looking for a clean and comfortable template for this purpose? 试试BeDentist,这是一个专业的Joomla模板,适用于牙医、医院、诊所和医院...
出售s: 33
Support: 4.2/5
树精-园艺公司Joomla 4模板
Dryad is a Joomla Template designed specifically for your company that deals with gardening and other outdoor maintenance services and offering you a wide variety of unique features.
出售s: 155
Support: 4.5/5
使用此响应式模板,使您的业务更有利可图. It makes your content visible on any device by automatically adjusting it to any screen resolution. 这个主题充满了...
出售s: 94
Support: 4.2/5

餐饮服务模板 by RockThemes

This catering services Joomla template is designed for those of you who want to combine rich functionality, ease of use, and beautiful aesthetics. 以一种迷人的方式介绍你的餐厅,...
出售s: 64
Support: 4.2/5


不是每个人都能与他人分享有用的信息. 只有那些有故事的人才能吸引公众. 如果你有自己的博客,分享你的想法会容易得多. 选择最好的Joomla博客模板是您成功之路上的主要任务之一. 仅仅内容有用是不够的. 它也应该是高质量的,人们会接触到你.

那你还在等什么呢? On this page, you see web themes 用于各种博客网站. Depending on your personal needs, you can choose a suitable style and install it on your site. 然后做一点编辑,开始在页面中填充内容.

谁将受益于博客主题的Joomla CMS

这些主题将适合所有的主播,博客,和电子商务商务人士. Joomla is an ideal blogging platform for publishing articles regardless of the topic of the web resource. It could be fashion & 美丽,旅行,设计 & 摄影、汽车、医药、食品、教育、电脑、房地产、游戏、艺术等.


  • 模板与您的业务领域的相关性. 不同的主题针对不同的业务利基而设计. Most importantly, all Templateog体育首页.com 网页设计是基于对特定业务利基的深入分析. So, you can be calm. For example, 一个SPA沙龙网站模板将有所有必要的页面, perfect structure, 正确导航理想的SPA沙龙网站!
  • Easy-to-use design. Themes have an elaborate structure that makes it easy for users to navigate through the sections of the web resource.
  • 灵活性和定制选项. 您可以更容易地自定义模板来个性化网站.
  • Mobile-friendly. 我们控制设计响应正确显示在移动屏幕上.
  • SEO-friendly features. We exclude non-optimized templates, which will negatively affect your site's search engine ranking.
  • Developer support. 这并不完全是人们在选择模板时所想到的. 但是当您购买模板时,您肯定知道它将来会更新. 自定义模板更改或安全问题可能导致缺乏更新. If updates are missing through no fault of your own, you can contact the developer at any time.
  • 跨浏览器的兼容性. Testing ensures that the template will provide the same user interface and functionality with so many devices, browsers, and operating systems.
  • 可用的插件、应用程序和扩展. Web开发人员定制外观以匹配品牌并添加特殊功能. As a result, 你改善了用户交互(UI)——大量的流量变成了线索, 销售, and revenue.


您的博客站点将看起来更令人印象深刻,感谢额外的现代功能. 以下是最受欢迎的:

Parallax Effect

视差滚动是一种网站趋势,其中背景内容(如.e.滚动时,图像的移动速度与前景内容的移动速度不同. 视差效果在经典电子游戏中已经存在很多年了. 因此,它已经成为网页设计世界的一种既定趋势. 几种布局以不同的速度滚动, 给人一种深度感(创造一种人造3D效果). 它允许用户体验有趣的情感.


  • Visual aspects (parallax gives a wow effect because it improves the look of the content, adds intrigue, 并提高了视图的质量)
  • Separation of a web page (this effect will highlight sections and a variety of content that you want readers to pay attention to)
  • Use on any page and website post (charming visuals and stunning impact on users can lead to an audience that stays on your website for a long time)

总之,视差主题是一种用最少的努力创建一个令人惊叹的网站的方法. 取决于您选择的前景和背景图像, 你可以很容易地创建一个引人注目的网站.


Bootstrap是最受欢迎的 HTML、CSS和JavaScript 开发自适应移动网站的平台. 自2011年以来,Bootstrap一直是网站建设工具的领导者. According to various statistics, 17-30% of all websites on the Internet using this framework. Bootstrap代码可以在Hexlet, GitHub, PayPal, Spotify, Twitter和Duolingo上找到.


  • Cross-browser (Bootstrap components consider the differences between browsers and are optimized to minimize the differences between them)
  • 适应性(在不同设备上显示良好)
  • Low threshold of input (creating a component-based page does not require expert knowledge of HTML and CSS)

So, 与Bootstrap合作,开发人员可以创建的不仅仅是一个原型, landing page, or admin panel.

下降down Menu

A dropdown list is an interface element displayed when the user clicks on or hovers over it. There is usually an arrow pointing down next to its content to indicate that the item has a dropdown menu. Developers often use this type of menu because of its compact and hierarchical structure. That is to say, 每个菜单项可以包含一个子菜单, 这个可以包含另一个, and so on.


  • Saving screen space (static hierarchical lists don't take up space and improve user experience)
  • 防止输入错误数据(用户只能从有效选项中进行选择)
  • 悬停或单击时显示菜单选项


mega菜单包含非常多的子部分. The additional grouping of names allows the user to see all the subsections simultaneously but not get confused. In addition, 你可以在大菜单中使用插图, 这是一个菜单栏和一个简单的下拉菜单几乎不可能的.


  • 分组众多子节
  • 用户不会被导航弄糊涂
  • 使用插图(菜单包括图片甚至视频)
  • 所有可见一次-不需要滚动

超级菜单为图像和其他大量内容提供了足够的空间. 另一方面,图片可以帮助用户选择正确的选项.

拖 & 下降

拖 & 下降 (DnD)是游戏中最重要的功能之一 HTML5. 网页设计中的拖放技术意味着更快、更易于管理的网页应用程序. 拖动的主要特性 & 下降 is the ability to arbitrarily link web page elements by dragging and dropping them with the mouse. 此功能可用于快速创建照片库,插入标题和文本.

拖 & 下降 advantages:

  • 快速和容易定制的网页
  • 你不需要成为一名网络程序员

不需要HTML标记的专业知识, 但需要有互联网经验和对SEO基础知识的理解.


If you want to create a blog page in Joomla templates yourself, this video will come in handy.



模板是网站的外观和感觉. 它包括配色方案、布局和样式元素. In other words, a website template is a direct representation of the brand and has a direct impact on the user experience (UX). 此外,博客模板可以提高你在谷歌搜索结果中的位置. 在博客部分,您可以添加SEO文章,从而提高您的转化率.


A theme is the complete appearance of a website, which consists of several standardized parts. 这些部分是“模板”,是一种构建块. 这些蓝图可以在主题中定制, 因此,结果看起来与默认主题完全不同. 换句话说,设计的外观直接取决于模板. 因此,把这两个术语称为同义词并不是错误的.



  • templateDetails.XML—包含有关开发人员信息的文件, version, content, modules, language files, settings.
  • template_preview.png, template_thumbnail.png – images of the template; you can make in the form of icons.
  • index.php – the main file with attached scripts, parameters, modules, and, most importantly, a layout.
  • index.html -一个空的html文件, 哪些必须包含在每个文件夹中, 因此,作弊者无法查看内容.
  • 错误.php -一个标准的404 Joomla页面设置(如果它看起来不太像样的话).
  • 语言-如果模板是多语言的,则包含语言文件的文件夹.
  • Js – a folder with scripts; you can connect all the most necessary for the work of the site.
  • Images -存储模板图像的文件夹.
  • HTML——用于重新定义模块和组件的文件夹.
  • 字体-一个文件夹与字体的网站.
  • CSS -一个样式文件夹.


查看本页的5个最佳Joomla博客模板表. 这些是templatemmonster上的畅销书.com marketplace. They are responsive, mobile-friendly, SEO-optimized, fully customizable, and easy to install. In addition to this, 它们支持未来的更新,并保证作者提供六个月的支持. 更多选项,选中all Joomla designs.